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Awuoth widows and orphans community based organization (CBO)was registered on 3rd October 2005.The CBO works with small holder farmers, youths, women, widows and orphans vulnerable to food insecurity and nutritional deficiencies.
The CBO location is in Nyamasaria , central kolwa location, kisumu East,kisumu County. Kenya. Members are drawn within its catchment areas of Lake region economic block that covers Lake Victoria Basin.

The organization currently working towards improving small holder farmers' income through regenerative technologies on farm production and aggregation of African Leafy Vegetables by providing appropriate technologies on post harvest management and value addition The infrastructure provides Solar Drying, Cooling,sorting and packing on food grade packs to increase access to reliable markets and value addition . The aggregation center provides hired efficient "pay as you go" hired electric motorbikes for transportation of vegetables to reduce food loss and waste among marginalised and flood prone LAKE REGION communities .

Having demonstrated scalability, impact and high return on investment among the small holder farmers income, the CBO currently has enlisted 500 farmers covering an accreage of 62.5 farm lands under production together with formation of vegetable bussiness netwotk(VBNs) that includes agro-processors,agri-nutritionists and agriprenuers with an aim of federate them to producer organizations and co-operatives for impact investments.

This innovative approach and creative approach will increase concessional financing in areas of transport (2/3 wheeler loans)improved market access,Good agricultural practices and Technology adoption for increased productivity,

The CBO partnering with AgUnity is piloting digital solutions to smallholder farmers to promote efficiency and transparency fascilitating legal adherence from farm to consumer.This is to enable farmers grow to formalized bussinesses.

The organization vision is to realization of food secure households with sustainable access to affordable nutrient dense foods. Our goal is to improve livelihoods for youth and women in Lake region through agri-business and climate smart technologies.

Why we do what we do...
Agriculture remains the mostly important agro-industrial sector that contributes to economic diversification .food and nutrition security ,employment  and improved livelihoods . Cont Next column..


a sector that largely falls within the informal economy with little or none modern technologies and reliable markets. Farmers lose 40% of their crop to post harvest losses. In part , this is due to lack of markets. With the presence of between 2-7 middlemen in Agricultural value chains;

we are here to promote ;transformation across the entire value chain from production, Aggregation, processing  and distribution to consumption for improved incomes and sustained growth.

Lack of knowledge on modern agricultural practices,Transport,Reiliable markets and Finance for sustainable sector growth,




Physical Address:
Kenya-Kisumu City,

Nyamsaria Behind

Dubai Complex

Tel: +254 722 663945

=>To promote socio - economic transformation through agricultural technologies, social justice, advocacy targeting small holder farmers,   youth  and women for a sustainable households income and society growth
=>To promote good agricultural practices and modern farming technology amongsmallholder farmers,women and youth to increase production of African leafy vegetables.
=>Adopt value-addition on African leafy vegetable in order to increase their shelf life and marketability. Contue reading...

To have an improved livelihood, advocacy, capacity building,
access to proper health  care/education, socio-cultural and economic development, and environmental
protection for
a secure community.


AgUnity coop
manager tool



Awuoth CBO
Aggregation site



VQMQ+R57, Kisumu, Kenya